Categories & Prizes

Group & Categories

Those who are interested to participate in the “Our Harbour” photo competition can submit entries under one of the following groups:

  • Open Group for all Hong Kong residents aged 16 and above.
  • School Group – for primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong.  Entry is on a school basis.  Each school can submit a maximum of 10 photos in each category of this Group. All entries must be submitted through participants’ school. 
  • Professional Group – for both professional and amateur photographers in Hong Kong.

Groups are further split into the following categories.  Entries can be submitted in any one of these six categories.  Except School Group, only one entry per person per competition is allowed.

Group Category

Open Group


Recreational Enjoyment


Beautiful and Romantic Harbour


Working Heritage Harbour


School Group


Ships and Boats


Harbour and Harbourfront Activities


Professional Group


Spirit of Victoria Harbour



The following cash prizes will be awarded to the winners of the “Our Harbour” photo competition.

Open Group: Three Categories

  • First Place (1 per each category): HK$5,000
  • Second Place (1 per each category):  HK$2,500
  • Merit Prize (5 per each category – Each merit winner will receive a $300 gift coupon.  


School Group: Two Categories

  • First Place (1 per each category):  HK$6,000
  • Second Place (1 per each category):  HK$3,000

For School Group, the cash prizes will be awarded on a school basis. Each winning school will be given one prize for each of the categories listed above.  Each participating students from winning schools will receive a $100 or $150 gift coupon as a token of appreciation.


Professional Group: One Category

  • First Place: HK$10,000
  • Second Place: HK$6,000
  • Third Place: HK$3,000